Free Old Fashioned Sundae For All Dads At Wienerschnitzel And Hamburger Stand On June 20, 2021

Free Old Fashioned Sundae For All Dads At Wienerschnitzel And Hamburger Stand On June 20, 2021

The offer is being extended to all Dads with proof of Dad status – so bring along the kids, or show a picture of yourself with the kids to claim your free Old Fashione…

Sougwen Chung On Finding Inspiration In AI

The AI art that Sougwen Chung makes is very different from the images spit out by popular image-generation tools like Midjourney or DALL-E. Chung, an artist who splits their time between London and New York and identifies as nonbinary, trains a neural net on their own work, then builds robots to physically paint in tandem with them on giant canvases. The robots not only mimic their brush strokes, but create new patterns and shapes that Chung then responds to. The result is hypnotic and eerie…